General Awareness or General studies paper is the high scoring section in any competitive exam.
Almost every Civil Service Exam or competitive exam comprises of General Awareness paper. Civil Service Exam General Awareness paper consists of two main types of GK. They are:-
- Current Affairs GK
- Static Gk.
In this article, we will be discussing what is static gk and the importance of reading Static GK for all the competitive exams.
What is Static GK?
Static GK means the general Knowledge about the static facts, that facts are never going to change in the future. Facts in the Static GK covers
- Important Day
- Places
- Currencies
- Things
- Dances
- Indian History & Historical Movement.
- Indian and World Geography.
- General & Environmental Issues
which are never going to change with the time.
Why it is so important to learn Static GK?
Learning of static GK helps to increase the overall score in the examination as the questions asked are factual and direct. It helps to save time while preparing for the exams and aspirants can utilize that time for the preparation of difficult sections.
Static GK also helps candidates sail smoothly in the interview rounds. Bearing all this in mind, we have enlisted down some important Static GK topics that you cannot afford to miss while preparing for any competitive examinations.
So, this is a short Facts about Static GK in UPSC
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